Thursday, September 19, 2019

12th Annual NoHu International Short Film Festival

Hispanic Heritage Month Festival

Senior Citizen's Hispanic Heritage Month Luncheon

Screening of "Cubans at the Edge of the Berlin Wall" a film by Ricardo Bacallao

"Los Versos Rasgan Mi Piel" de Jorge Luis Seco

International Ballet Festival of Union City

Proyección de "La Verbena De La Paloma"

Friday, September 6, 2019

“Peace and Hope" Art Exhibit

Saturday, September 7, 2019 at 7:00 PM 

Grand Opening of the art exhibit “Peace and Hope" 
by award winning artist Claudia Jo

William V. Musto Cultural Center
420 - 15th Street, Union City, NJ

The artist will be presenting a special art work “Cherry Blossom II”.  

Free Admission.